In the heart of Oakland, California a Tongan family arrived over 50 years ago driven by dreams of a brighter future. From humble beginnings, the IKUNA Group was born. As first generation Pacific Islanders we understand the importance of education, gaining knowledge and having meaningful life experiences. We recognize that every young mind holds the potential to shape a better tomorrow. Today, we are dedicated to nurturing the growth and potential of Pacific Islander youth and our communities for good.


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 Our mission is to elevate and celebrate the vibrant tapestry woven into our Pacific Islander heritage among the youth and wider community. More importantly, to set up youth for success academically, socially, emotionally and culturally. We seek to creatively infuse our rich traditions, stories, and practices that have defined our islands for generations into our work.

At the core of our organization we believe in the power of cultural empowerment. We recognize that for Pacific Islander youth, a strong sense of cultural identity is not just a source of pride, but also a wellspring of strength and resilience in the face of today’s challenges. Through a mix of experiences, programs, workshops, and events, we create spaces where young minds can explore, think critically discover while embracing their heritage.



 Our initiatives are thoughtfully designed to engage youth in immersive experiences, fostering a deep appreciation for their cultural roots. From storytelling sessions that breathe life into family stories, ancient legends, workshops in the arts, with each activity acting as a building block towards connecting and celebrating their Pacific Islander identity.

Through mentorship, guidance, and a supportive IKUNA community, we support developing a deeper sense of belonging in the larger world and reinforcing that our stories are an integral part of our development.



 We understand that cultural elevation is not confined to just our community but it ripples outward, creating bridges of understanding and appreciation throughout all communities. We strive to share the beauty and wisdom of Pacific Islander traditions with the wider world. Through these initiatives, we hope to impact youth as they continue on their path of exploration and discovery towards a meaningful life.